A tape measure or measuring tape is a flexible ruler. It consists of a ribbon of cloth, plastic, fiber glass, or metal strip with linear-measurement markings. Tape measures that were intended for use in tailoring or dressmaking were made from flexible cloth or plastic.These types of tape measures or mainly used for the measuring of the human's waist line. Today, measuring tapes made for sewing are made of fiberglass, which does not tear or stretch as easily and your old plastic measuring tape must not go on trash, just a little bit of creativity and you will have a nice tape measure craft and decor.
Recycled Car HubCaps
Ptolemy Elrington is an artist of some of this sculpture made entirely of lost car hubcaps. He generally found hubcaps on side of the road and fixes it together using wires to create an amazing creatures. He do this in full time and made some crazy stuff out of wheel covers like fish, dolphins, dogs etc.
Crazy Horse
Wild Boar
Recycling Old Skateboard
Do you have a bunch of old skateboards lying around your house from years of skating? Even though many considered it disposable and can't rove the streets anymore doesn't mean they're useless. Now you can still do something with it. You only need simple and creative ideas to convert old skateboards into unique household stuff. From lightings to benches to even bookends.
Recycled Wall Art Designs
Give traditional wall art a fresh spin by creating your own. It's about time to redecorating our homes, which means a perfect time for some DIY inspiration. There are hundred of different ways to make amazing art for the walls of your home. Here's an idea to fit your home and your budget.
Magazine Pages
Old Beer Cans
Barcode Wall
Book Wall
Children's Book
Computer KeyBoard
Paint Can
Toilet Paper Roll
Magazine Paper
Pencil Wall Art
Vinyl Records Wall Art
Recycled Toy Capsules
Vinyl Records
Bottle Glass
Window Shutters
Wood Scraps