
Sweden's Waste Is Now 99 % Recycled

There’s a “recycling revolution” happening in Sweden – one that has pushed the country closer to zero waste than ever before. In fact, less than one per cent of Sweden's household garbage ends up in landfills today. 

The Scandinavian country has become so good at managing waste, they have to import garbage from the UK, Italy, Norway and Ireland to feed the country’s 32 waste-to-energy (WTE) plants, a practice that has been in place for years
“Waste today is a commodity in a different way than it has been. It’s not only waste, it’s a business,” explained Swedish Waste Management communications director Anna-Carin Gripwell in a statement.   Read more @Huffingtonpost.ca

The basics of sustainable waste management in animated form, produced for the Östergötland County Council in Sweden, for the "Waste To Energy" EU project. 

Toilet Paper Roll Wall Artworks

Toilet paper roll is one of life's little necessities, the tube cardboard in it have also an impact on the environment. Try to recycle it with this easy and fun wall artworks. For sure after you try creating this crafts you will gonna say, "why didn't I think of that?