
Are You Aware of This?

Interested in going green? Start by sorting out your garbage and recycling those things that can be recycled. Recycling can be beneficial to your finances and it can help save the planet at the same time. Many people believe that recycling is not cost effective, but the truth is that you can recycle daily and save money at the same time. 
"We live in a disposable society. It's easier to throw things out than to fix them we even gave it a name we call it Recycling".

Aside from no longer needing plastic bags, the reusable bags are stronger and can carry more. Can't beat it.

Recycled Crafty Buttons Artworks

Grab that button jar from your grandma's button collection and start developing your creativity. Sort that button by size, shapes, color and begin making this crafty projects that I will share to you. They are all relatively simple and require only a beginning knowledge of crafting. So here's our selection of to put your buttons to good use, and make something beautiful for you or your home.

image credit to recyclart.org

image credit to recyclart.org

image credit to etsy.com

image credit to indulgy.com

image credit to indulgy.com

image credit to curbly.com

image credit to ihanna.com

image credit to etsy.com

image credit to etsy.com

image credit to etsy.com

image credit to caretaylor.wordpress.com

image credit to crafttomake.com

image credit to homedit.com

image credit to pinterest.com

image credit to craftideas.us

image credit to treehugger.com

image credit to pinterest.com

image credit to indusladies.com

Recycling Awareness Posters Campaign

These awareness posters can be used to promote a recycling scheme. To help raise people's consciousness for the importance of recycling, to prevent waste through reusing or reducing and have fun at the same time. To help advertise the Waste and Recycling system — from collection of plastics, papers, glass and metals in a single container to sorting and processing to the finished products now being made from recyclables. 

Awesome Outdoor Garden Lightings

Turn your garden into a magical space with these Colorful Garden Bottle and Metal Can Lanterns, candle holders, Tea and Pendant Lights. Perfect for romantic Lighting for an outdoor dinner party.