
Neckties Fashion Trend Dresses

This nice little collection neckties gathered over the years can turn ladies dress into fashion trend. Just a little creativity and imagination with a good combination of tie shape, color and sizes, you can produce stunning recycled dresses.

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19 Amazing Corrugated Cardboard Ceiling Lamps

Corrugated cardboard designing is quite trending now a days, from chairs, tables, home decor to architecture. We all know that cardboard and extreme heat are never a good idea, yet the designers of this cardboard ceiling lamps made it work of combining the two and create lamps that are light, less wasteful and inexpensive. Brilliant ideas of the designers that highly flammable cardboard and extreme heat can work together. You may select from the photo below some design to create an amazing corrugated cardboard ceiling lamps. 

Recycling Abandoned Musical Instruments

Listening to music is everybody's joy and playing with musical instrument can give you even more joy. But this instruments suffer a lot of abuse over the years and there comes a time it will wear out and cannot go on any more. It can't be played anymore due to broken parts beyond repair. Repurposing your musical instruments allow you to continue to show off even though it doesn't play anymore. Let me show you some creative ideas in repurposing your musical instruments.